Coffee and Cosmos!

I would like to thank the Perry Starbucks for hosting Coffee and Cosmos last Wednesday!

I would also like to thank Richard Wright for the idea, and hope we can continue to grow astronomy outreach programs in other communities!

Public outreach in astronomy has been a goal of mine for a while, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

Watching and listening to the excitement of someone observing the moon for the first time through a telescope always brings a smile!

Set up and ready for the evening at Starbuck’s on Perry Pkwy 2/13/2019

This evening we talked about why does the same side of the moon always face us, and the significance of several lunar features. We also observed Mars and compared it to Betelgeuse, and what is a red giant star. We contrasted the blue super giant star Rigel, and it’s tiny companion, explaining binary, triple, and even quadruple star systems. Finally we observed Orion’s Nebula, also known as Messier 42, and how hydrogen gas ionized by the radiation of nearby stars gives the region its faint glow.

Wow! The Moon!
Enjoying the view.

I appreciate all of the encouragement and support shown from my friends and community, and we will post when the next event will be.

Until then, keep looking up!